
2023-10-03 46阅读







1、Could I borrow your dictionary?

2、Give the dictionary to him.

3、He threw my dictionary back.

4、You can certainly use my dictionary.

5、She bought an English dictionary for me.

6、Who has taken my dictionary away?

7、Writers often refer to a dictionary.

8、I left my dictionary in the library.

9、With the help of a dictionary editor, you can first build a dictionary and then use the dictionary lookup operator to embed the concept extraction in a flow.

10、A dictionary explains words and an encyclopedia explains facts.

11、A new Chinese-English dictionary will soon come out.

12、However, you can define the terms in a synonym dictionary and apply the synonym dictionary to the text index.

13、By 1807, Webster began writing an expanded English dictionary.

14、A revision of that dictionary has been published.

15、To compile an exhaustive dictionary is an exhausting task.

16、Dictionary attack — Guessing the password of a valid user using a brute force search through dictionary words.

17、The dictionary is stored in the table itself, implying a small amount of overhead (approximately 74kb).

18、So you need to add all expected variations manually to the variants of the dictionary.

19、The student came along with an English dictionary under his arm.

20、The new edition of the dictionary reflects the impact of these changes.

21、The keys of a dictionary are inherently unique, so it's possible to use a dictionary to remove duplicate lines from a file, and to do so in a way that preserves the original ordering of those lines.

22、In addition to the lexical dictionaries that are used during the dictionary lookup, there are also special internal inflection dictionaries.

23、The first edition of this dictionary has an impression of 10,000 copies and the total price is 1,000,000 yuan.

24、America's first dictionary -- Noah Webster's A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language -- was published 200 years ago and also introduced a crop of fresh words that have now become familiar.

25、One might not be surprised to find that a dictionary definition of this vintage omits a Japanese viewpoint.

26、If a word is not in the dictionary it gets a red underline, otherwise it's left alone.

27、ESL students and curious native speakers can search this dictionary to find idioms like "part and parcel," or "gnaw your vitals."

28、It is recommended that you implement a strong password policy to avoid any weak passwords being disclosed under brute force or dictionary attacks.

29、Leonard intends to record the Inughuits and, rather than writing a grammar or dictionary, produce an "ethnography of speaking" to show how their language and culture are interconnected.



1. 进入设置:打开你的OPPO手机,下拉状态栏并点击右上角的齿轮图标,或者在应用列表中找到"设置"应用图标并点击进入。

2. 打开语言与输入法设置:在设置界面中,滚动到找到"语言与输入法"选项并点击进入。

3. 选择输入法:在"语言与输入法"设置界面中,找到你当前使用的输入法(例如,OPPO输入法)并点击进入。

4. 配置个人字典:在输入法设置界面中,向下滚动找到"个人字典"选项并点击进入。

5. 添加快捷键:在个人字典的设置界面中,点击右上角的加号(+)按钮以添加一个新的快捷键。

6. 输入词条和缩写:在新建快捷键的界面中,输入你要添加的词条(完整的文本)和对应的缩写(用来触发词条的快捷键)。

7. 保存设置:输入词条和缩写后,点击界面底部的"保存"按钮来保存个人字典的设置。


1. 打开任何文本输入应用(如短信、聊天应用、浏览器等)。

2. 当你需要输入之前设置的词条时,只需在输入框中输入对应的快捷键(缩写),然后在输入框上方会自动显示出与缩写相关的词条。

3. 点击显示的词条,它将自动替换你输入的快捷键,完成词条的输入。


"宽""款""筐" 字在新华字典的第几页?






字典源远流长,在中国古代称为字书(一说字书兼指字典、词典)。字书一词,作为解释文字的著作的泛称,在南北朝时已经通用,但历代史志将其归入小学类,直至清乾隆年间编《四库全书》时才在小学类中单列字书一类。见于著录最早的字书,是相传周宣王时出于太史籀之手的《史籀篇》(据近人考证,该书实为春秋战国间秦人所作)。战国至西汉,为中国字书的萌芽时期。代表作除《史籀篇》外,还有秦代李斯的《苍颉篇》、赵高的《爰历篇》、胡毋敬的《博学篇》,西汉史游的《急救篇》、扬雄的《训纂篇》等。它们大都只是编次文字,并无解说。第一部有系统的字书,是东汉许慎的《说文解字》〔成书于东汉永元十二年(100)〕。该书是我国第一部系统地分析字形和考究字源的字书,也是世界上最古的字书之一。它首创部首编排法,对字义 、字形、字音进行全面诠释,为以后字书的发展奠定了基础。其后仿照《说文解字》编成的字书很多,现存主要有南朝梁陈之间顾野王的《玉篇》,北宋王洙、司马光等的《类篇》,明梅膺祚的《字汇》等。清康熙五十五年(1716)张玉书等编的《康熙字典》问世后,"字典"一词较"字书"更为通行。取"字典"为书名的,通常认为始于《康熙字典》,也有人认为唐代慧琳《一切经音义》中已引用《字典》一书,"字典"一词的出现可上溯至唐以前。

