
2023-11-16 78阅读


  1. 适合小三年级比赛的英语故事3分钟?


以下是适合小三年级比赛的一篇英语故事,时长约为3分钟。故事名为"The Ant and The Dove(蚂蚁与鸽子)":


One hot day, an ant was very thirsty. He was searching for water everywhere. At last, he reached a pond. The ant tried to drink water, but he was too all. He was afraid that he would fall into the water and drown.


Suddenly, an idea struck him. He climbed on to a tree and reached a branch. He saw a dove sitting on it. The ant asked the dove to help it. The dove was very kind, and he plucked a leaf and dropped it into the water. The ant climbed on to it and drank water.


Days passed, and the dove fell into a hunter’s net. The ant saw the dove’s plight and decided to help. He climbed to the hunter and bit him hard. The hunter was in pain, and he let the dove go.


The dove was very thankful to the ant for saving his life. From that day, they became good friends.


Moral: One good turn deserves another.


