
2023-11-17 42阅读


  1. 英语答案有作文范文吗?
  2. 2018英语卷一答案?
  3. 2019年河北对口英语试卷答案?
  4. 英语选择题全选同一答案会得0分?
  5. 2021英语答案公布时间?




1.Your quality of sleep improves.

2.Your perfer healthy food to fast food.

3.There is no reason you are supposed to exercise in the morning.

4.After you exercise,you continue to burn calories throughout the day.

5.You are planning to do exercise rugularly.


1. I like my school very much. I enjoy learning different things there.


2. I will give her a big hug tell her and tell her how she is the best mother in the world. I believe love is a prless gift.


3. I will give him a big hug and tell him he is always my handsome father, my role model. I believe love is a prless gift.


4. I will immediately run to an open area. Because it is the safest place.


5. I should make sure all equipments are put back, and all gas or electricity are turned off.


6. My father is my role model, he is the most handsome person in the world to me. My mother is a caring person who is very benevolent and kind.


7. I am an outgoing student who enjoy sport and participate in various activities such as singing and clubbing.


8. I enjoy traveling. I believe I can learn many new things and meet new friends during my trip. It is also a chance to relax.


9.I love running. It is very competitive and I have strong, fast legs.


10.I think my head teacher is a very kind, caring person is also very encouraging and motivates us all.


11. I improve my english by reading different books, listening to the radio and watch english movies.




